Mentoring of Cadets


Just Be Maritime will provide mentoring support to Officer Cadets during each college and sea training phase of their training programme.

A college induction meeting and pre-sea briefings will be provided by us during the first college phase, with other mentoring support being provided through a variety of communication channels. College evaluation meetings will then take place between JBM and the Officer Cadets in subsequent college phases.

We will also engage with college academic staff to identify if any additional onsite academic or personal support for the individual Officer Cadet is required.

In advance of ship appointments, we will provide an outline brief on the Officer Cadet to the vessel’s Designated Shipboard Training Officer (DSTO), to facilitate effective mentoring and training onboard (e.g. outstanding Training Record Book tasks).

Cadets will be encouraged to provide monthly updates to us whilst away at sea,  including what has been achieved and targets for the following month. We will also obtain feedback on performance from the DSTO before consulting with the sponsoring organisation, as appropriate.