Preparation for Sea Training Phases


Preparations for Officer Cadets to commence their training at sea will be made by Just Be Maritime in advance of their ship appointments. We will then continue the process of sea training preparation throughout both sea phases, before each Officer Cadet joins an assigned vessel.

Preparation for the first seagoing appointment includes:

  • a pre-sea briefing with the Officer Cadet during the first college phase, giving a general overview of plans for joining and disembarking vessels
  • confirmation on ship appointments once available, with details of the vessel and its possible trading route being shared
  • guidance on completion of the MNTB-issued training record book, to aid understanding of onboard task completion
  • meeting with their sponsoring organisation, if required by a client before joining a vessel
  • completion of company-specific medicals and documentation, if required
  • issue of ship joining instructions to the Officer Cadet once confirmed by the sponsoring organisation or company